The Mom Behind HaddyGrace Designs {Exclusive Interview!}

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RuthAnn Zimmerman & Her Beautiful Family

RuthAnn Zimmerman is the creative sewin genius behind the mom-owned business, HaddyGrace Designs. Shes the designer of this totally gorgeous hooded sweater dress

as well as a variety of soft-sole shoes for babies and toddlers, pillowcase dresses, pocket diapers, and custom-made baby slings!

All of these things can be purchased at VERY reasonable prices from her Etsy shop,, or her blog,

Today, I have a special treat for you an exclusive interview with RuthAnn!

Hi RuthAnn! First, we would like to know how HaddyGrace Designs got started. πŸ™‚

I have always enjoyed sewing for my children, but as a homeschool mom never found the time to pursue it with real vigor. In 2009, my daughters started attending our churchs private Christian school and our new baby, Hadassah Grace, arrived that December. I suddenly found myself with a lot more time on my hands. So while the little ones (I also have a 2yr old son) napped, I started playing around with different patterns and ideas that I had picked up here and there. I then started sewing for baby showers and birthday gifts. Soon friends were asking me to sew for their children, and I had strangers asking me where they could purchase my designs. After lots of encouragement from my husband and friends, I decided to officially make HaddyGrace a business.

How do you find time to sew with four kids in the house?

Thats a tricky one Normally all my spare time, when Im not busy cooking, picking up, doing laundry, cleaning and all the other happy mommy stuff, is spent at the sewing machine, or designing patterns. My sewing machine is in the living room in the same corner as the bookshelf and all the toys. So when the little ones play i am right there to help with all their problems! I am a mommy first! So I get as much as I can done while they are happy, but when the little ones go down for a nap I sew like a maniac!! πŸ™‚ After school I rarely sew as this is family time (as is after dinner). On busy days, I sew at night after the kids are all in bed! Most nights I work online trying to learn all I can about online shops, blogger, etc.

What is your favorite HaddyGrace design so far?

My favorite to create is the pillowcase dress. It is so fun and summery, and I love finding just the right coordinating colors, and the RIBBON! There is just something about little girls and those ribbons at the shoulders! But right now my favorite to wear on my girls is the sweater dresses so warm and cozy and just so terribly cute when worn with boots or even a belt like my 9 yr. old insists on wearing with hers. πŸ™‚

Oh, I also LOVE the little shoes! Cant leave them out. πŸ™‚ They were my first creation that made me realize I could start a business. People love them!

Where did the name HaddyGrace come from?

Since Hadassah Grace, my little girl, was the inspiration for most of my clothes and creations I knew we needed to use her name, so I had my husband and kids vote between Hadassahs Closet and HaddyGrace Designs. πŸ™‚ They chose HaddyGrace Designs, and I approved it! πŸ™‚

What do you consider your greatest honor or accomplishment?

I am so honored that my customers are so happy with their HaddyGrace Designs purchases that they are telling their friends. I am also honored to be sewing for other moms and their precious children!

My greatest accomplishment will be the day I hear my children say Mom always put our needs ahead of her desires.

I would love to hear that, too. πŸ™‚ In five years, where would you like to be?

In 5 years? I would like to have thousands of satisfied customers! Also, to have an income big enough that my husband can quit his full time job and start on his dream job. And to still be putting my family first!

Now that would be AWESOME! Tell us one little-known or interesting fact about you.

I was born and raised in Lancaster County, PA into a loving, Horse and Buggy Mennonite Family. πŸ™‚

Well you definitely win the most interesting fact award! I have so many things I could ask you about that but maybe another time. πŸ™‚

Folks, follow RuthAnns blog at!

More links:

HaddyGrace Designs on Etsy
Fan HaddyGrace Designs on Facebook

Hadassah Grace (HaddyGrace)

Coming Soon:

A HaddyGrace Designs GIVEAWAY! What would you most like to win?

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